Care In Need Welfare Society (CARE)

We strive to enable poor and marginalized people to sustain their livelihoods, participate in decision making and assert their rights.

Who We Are

Care in Need Welfare Society , popularly known by its acronym CARE, was incepted in the year 1996 by the founders Sushil and Priti with a common desire to enable the poor and the marginalised in remote hills of erstwhile Uttarakhand.

They spent the initial first year walking door to door and talking with each household in the then chosen project area. This provided a deep understanding of the problems and aspirations of the people, as well as built important relationships and rapport. It also informed their approach that development of any area has to be fostered by people’s own genius. The ‘people’ are not, however, immune to the changing structural conditions around them. State, global and national trends must be understood in order for people to maximize their opportunities, or, as has been increasingly the case, protect themselves from their adverse effects. CARE thus takes action at the grassroots informed by an understanding of larger structural contexts.
Based on this ideological position, CARE established itself working on the grassroots for a holistic development. The focus was on the needs of the people, and then trying to incorporate this into an integrated package. Several issues were central to the people: water, education, health livelihood, agriculture and socio-economic deprivation. They were able to undertake some innovative programs, and learnt the value of experimental development work based on people’s own ideas and desires. As CARE grew in strength and confidence, ideas and experiences were consolidated into integrated programs.

The Partners

CARE works with a number of partners- Cooperative Societies, SHG’s, Agro producers group, CBOs and local NGOs. The partnership is a two-way relationship, in which the knowledge and experience of all parties is respected equally, and the contributions of both sides are acknowledged.

The partnership model combines the comparative strengths of locally based NGOs with the support of an experienced NGO working on the state level.